The Patient Information File

The Patient Info tab is where you will create new patients as well as edit demographic information for existing patients already entered into your system.

First you will need to add a new patient.

1. Click the Add button on the left of the patient information screen.

2. After you have created a patient, you should fill in the rest of the patient demographics, starting with the patient's last name. You can navigate your cursor from field to field by pressing down on the Tab key on your computer's keyboard.

Refer to the table below as a guide for referencing each field in the Patient Information screen.


Or, jump to page 2 of the Patient Info file.



  • LName - Enter the patient's last name.
  • FName - Enter the patient's first name.
  • MI - Enter the patient's middle initial.
  • Date of Birth - Enter the patient's date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY format).
  • Sex - Enter the patient's sex. 
  • W/S - Enter the patient's employment status.
  • SSN - Enter the patient's social security number.
  • M/S - Enter the patient's marital status.
  • City/St/Zip - Enter the patient's mailing address or whatever address you wish the bills to be sent to.
  • Ph - Enter the patient's telephone number.
  • Patient # - This is the patient's automatically generated number. If you wish, you may change this number to one that corresponds with your practice's own numbering system. For example "A10" or "NY10010".
  • File Date - The file date is the date stamped onto the chart on the day it was initially created. You can edit this date to whatever you would like in the instance that you are creating a patient record any number of days after they actually had their first visit.
  • Mailings - Set the patient's mailing status to head of house hold, individual etc.
  • Status - Set the patient's status to active or inactive for marketing purposes. Patient's who have an "inactive" flag will be excluded from all marketing lists generated with QuickPractice.
  • Provider - Select the patient's primary provider to be linked to all posted charges, unless otherwise specified.
  • Guarantor - A guarantor is someone who pledges that a loan or other type of debt will be paid. For example a child patient’s guarantor would usually be one of his parents. You can access and edit the guarantors available to your practice by clicking Lists>Guarantors.
  • Refd By 1 - This is for tracking how the patient was referred by, whether it by another patient, doctor, billboard, magazine ad etc. You can access and edit the Referred by list by clicking Lists> Other->Referred by.
  • Occupation - The patient’s occupation, for reference purposes. You can access and edit the occupations list by clicking Lists-> Other->Occupations.
  • Employer - The patient’s employer, for marketing and reference purpose. You can access and edit the employer list by clicking Lists> Other>Employers.
  • WK Phone - The patient's work telephone number.
  • Primary Ins - The patient's primary insurance company. The primary insurance company is always specified in the "insurance" section under the Case Info tab.
  • Ref Phys - The Patient's referring physician. The referring physician can be added or changed under the "claim data" section of the Case Info tab.
  • Custom Field 1, 2, 3 - These fields can be modified for any practice specific purpose. An example would be maybe Blood-Type or Body-Type. You can access and edit the custom field list by clicking Lists-> Other> Custom Fields.
  • Memo - The Memo field is where you would generally put any patient specific notes.
  • Patient Due - This field displays the patient's portion of the balance.
  • Ins Due - This field displays the insurance carrier's portion of the balance. 
  • Total Due - This field displays the entire combined balance that is due.
  • Refresh - This button will re-access the database and update the information being displayed accordingly. This button is generally only needed in multiple machine environments when more than one machine is accessing & modifying the same patient record simultaneously.